The Crypto Art Market between Artists and Collectors To study the phenomenon of crypto art in relation to traditional art categories and economic value creation and distribution, in mid-June 2021 our team released the first large-scale survey on the subject, open to the crypto community. As highlighted in our first blog post on the project, [...]
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Crypto Art. Who’s Here? What’s Happening? Aiming to study the phenomenon of crypto art in relation to traditional art categories and economic value creation and distribution, on June 15th, 2021, our team released the first large-scale survey on the subject, for the whole crypto community to take part in. Over the past months, the survey [...]
B L O C K C H A I N A R T: C R E A T I V I T Y, V A L U E A N D R I G H T S Blockchain technology is empowering a growing market for digital art and collectables. The new phenomenon of blockchain art [...]
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